Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2 Plus Kunci Jawaban

I. Read the text carefully, than answer the questions!
Hi, I am Alfina. I want to tell about my close friend. She is Herlina. She is a sweet girl and smart. We often study together. Today she is sick. She does not go to school. Her mother takes her to the doctor. The doctor is Mr. Andi. He examines Herlina. Mr. Andi says that Herlina has a fever. The doctor gives medicine and suggests Herlina taking rest. I hope Herlina gets well soon.
1. Who is Herlina?
Answer : ......................................................................................................................................................
2. Is Herlina a sweet girl and smart?
Answer : ......................................................................................................................................................
3. Why does Herlina not go to school?
Answer : ......................................................................................................................................................
4. Where does her mother take Herlina?
Answer : ......................................................................................................................................................
5. What does the doctor say?
Answer : ......................................................................................................................................................
II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d !
1. Precident, vice president, and minister are the .... government.
a. local
b. regional
c. central
d. international
2. The king’s son is a ....
a. prince
b. princess
c. knight
d. servant
3. Elizabeth is a queen. She leads a ....
a. empire
b. kingdom
c. district
d. republic
4. The leader of a municipality is a ....
a. governor
b. minister
c. emperor
d. mayor
5. The capital city of West Java is ....
a. Surabaya
b. Semarang
c. Bandung
d. Jakarta
6. These are the members of the central government, except ....
a. president
b. governoor
c. minister
d. vice president
7. The lower level of a regency is a ....
a. village
b. province
c. municipality
d. district
8. The highest level of the local government is ....
a. province
b. district
c. subdistrict
d. municipality
9. The police orders us not to turn left. He says ....
a. Turn left !
b. Don’t turn left !
c. Don’t park here !
d. Through this way !
The sign means ....
a. we can’t stop here
b. we are not allowed to enter
c. we are not allowed to turn around
d. we can’t park here
11. A : “ Could I borrow your pencil?”
B : .....................
a. You’re welcome
b. Of course
c. Yes, it is
d. Thank you
12. The floor is dirty. Your mother says ....
a. sweep the floor !
b. wash the floor !
c. water the floor !
d. mop the floor !
13. .... ! The baby is sleeping.
a. Don’t be noisy
b. Don’t be lazy
c. Don’t be angry
d. Don’t be silent
14. It is hot. Turn on the ....
a. television
b. lamp
c. fan
d. radio
15. Don’t .... the coffee !
It still hot.
a. eat
b. drink
c. see
d. open
16. My father forbids me to swim in the river.
He says ....
a. Swim in the river !
b. No swim in the river !
c. Don’t swim in the river !
d. Doesn’t swim in the river !
17. Keep .... !
The teacher is explaining the lesson.
a. saying
b. silent
c. seeing
d. noisy
18. We will do exercise on page. Our teacher says ....
a. Open your book
b. Close your book
c. Put your book
d. Pack your book
19. Mr. Rizal orders Danu to be quiet.
He says ....
a. Let’s speak up !
b. Keep silent
c. Speak up !
d. Don’t keep silent
20. Vina is sick. She have to go to ....
a. the nurse
b. the teacher
c. the doctor
d. the police
a. fever
b. headache
c. eyesore
d. backache
22. Dinda eats sauce too much. Now, she has a ....
a. headache
b. earache
c. backache
d. stomachache
23. Elma drinks ice too much. Now, she has a ....
a. eyesore
b. cough
c. headache
d. stomacache
24. Could I .... this sandwich ? I am very hungry.
a. drink
b. throw
c. eat
d. boil
25. The doctor injects the patient using a ....
a. syringe
b. crutch
c. stethoscope
d. thermometer
26. Mrs. Nora helps the doctor. She is a ....
a. teacher
b. nurse
c. secretary
d. patient
27. I buy some medicine at the ....
a. drugstore
b. butcher
c. herbalist
d. vendor
28. Rio wants to check her eyes to the ....
a. dentis
b. oculist
c. specialist
d. herbalist
29. Throw rubbish into the .... !
a. dustbin
b. river
c. ditch
d. floor
30. Nina : "Could you .... the window, please?"
Sandra : " Sure ."
a. sit
b. open
c. turn on
d. sweep
III. Translate in to Indonesia !
1. Jombang is located in East Java
2. The wife of king is a queen
3. Don’t stand here !
4. The rainbow is so beautiful
5. Mr. Julio is a dentist
IV. Translate in to English !
1. Ibu kota Indonesia yaitu Jakarta
2. Seorang gubernur memimpin provinsi
3. Lantai kotor. Bersihkan lantai !
4. Budi suka permen. Sekarang ia sakit gigi.
5. Andi sakit. Dia harus minum obat.
V. Arrange these words into good sentences !
1. Central - Java - located - is - Cepu - in
2. republic - President - A - leads – a
3. room - is - hot - too - The
4. Ridho – doctor – is – Mr - a
5. I - borrow - Could - ? - eraser - your
Download Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2
Kunci Jawaban Room I
1. Herlina is Alfina's close friend2. Yes, she is
3. Because she is sick
4. Her mother takes Herlina to the doctor
5. The doctor says that Herlina has a fever
Kunci Jawaban Room II
1.c 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.a 9.b 10.b11.b 12.a 13.a 14.c 15.b 16.c 17.b 18.a 19.b 20.c
21.a 22.d 23.b 24.c 25.a 26.b 27.a 28.b 29.a 30.b
Kunci Jawaban Room III
1. Jombang terletak di Jawa Timur2. Istri seorang raja yaitu ratu
3. Jangan bangun di sini !
4. Pelangi itu sangat indah
5. Pak Julio seorang dokter gigi
Kunci Jawaban Room IV
1. The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta2. A governor leads a province
3. The floor is dirty. Clean the floor !
4. Budi likes candy. Now, he has a toothache
5. Andi is sick. He has to drink medicine
Kunci tanggapan Room V
1. Cepu is located in Central Java2. A President leads a republic
3. The room is too hot
4. Mr Ridho is a doctor
5. Could I borrow your eraser ?
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